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Title: Diversity, Relig., & Lib Arts
Course Section Number: REL-275-01
Department: Religion
Description: "Dancing on the Bridge": Diversity, Religion, and the Liberal Arts How, in a global-digital world, do we bridge the gap between people of widely divergent backgrounds? Between diverse religions? Cultures? Races? Ethnicities? Worldviews? Should we aim for tolerance? Acceptance? Understanding? Should we learn from them, in the manner of a humanist? Should we learn about them, in the manner of a scientist or scholar? Should we try to deconstruct hidden prejudices? How? Why? These are basic liberal-arts questions. In this course, we will build a model for negotiating diversity based on "play" and the "work of art." 皇冠足球比分_澳门皇冠体育-在线|平台@ will use tools drawn from "hermeneutics," or the art and theory of interpretation. Case studies will be drawn from religion, art, music, philosophy, law, history, and anthropology. Texts will include Hans-Georg Gadamer's Truth and Method, as well as selections from Kant, Voltaire, Geertz, W.E.B. DuBois, Anthony Appiah, and critical race theory.
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: January 20, 2025
End Date: May 10, 2025
Meeting Information:
01/21/2025-05/08/2025 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 02:40PM - 03:55PM, Center Hall, Room 300
Faculty: Blix, David

Course Status

Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
Diversity, Relig., & Lib Arts